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Friday, March 11, 2011


❀༻♥ ༺❀༻♥ ༺❀༻♥

Winds of heaven
Send everlasting peace

Our hearts
To meld into
Pure love

❀༻♥ ༺❀༻♥ ༺❀༻♥

                                                                         ♥  © ஆ εlεɳa  ~.^

 Posted for the first JLWrites Poetry Prompt link!
"Jl's Blog promises to expand your imagination"
Todays prompt, septuplet has fourteen words. It is broken between two stanzas that make up the
fourteen words. Each stanza can have seven words each but that is not a requirement.
Both stanzas deal with the same thought and create a picture.


  1. Just found your blog and it is great. So is your writing, love it!

  2. Helena, I love your writing but please, have pity on this of us with eye problems! It is really hard for me to make out the words when they are written on these (beautiful) pictures.

  3. @ Penny, was not aware that it was difficult to read. I have changed it...I do like using that format to showcase some of my short poems. Perhaps I will try a larger picture with a different font next time.

    ♥ ஆεlεɳa ~.^

  4. Awe Helena, we are so happy that you are enthusiastically happy !!! Thank you so much for being our FIRST !!!

    As always your poetry moves us beyond words, VERY NICE !!

  5. Everlasting Peace...what our world craves...let me rest on that for a moment...

  6. love heals.

    divine message, powerful delivery.

    welcome sharing your poetry with us,
    first time participants can share 1 to 3 old poems or poems unrelated to our theme.

    Happy Monday.

    signed in to follow your blog, welcome following us back, we are open until Wednesday , 8pm, American central.

  7. Hi Helena. I stoppped over to read your blog. Sometimes I just need a breath of fresh air. Please continue to sooth our souls. ",) Love, Joyx


♥ Taking time to comment is a pleasing way to slow the pace of life a bit and show heartfelt thoughts. Reading your comments bridges a caring bond between us and encourages unexpected friendships. I invite you to follow along. After all a friend may be waiting behind a strangers face. ღ ஆεlεɳa

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